Thursday 26 March 2009

Final front cover, Contents page and Article

The Article page:

The Contents page:

The Front Cover:
These are the final products of all the pieces. I feel i have done well on each and i am proud of all my media work so far.

Monday 23 March 2009

Front cover and article page of music magazine

These are my two things so far, will most likely change in future.

Friday 6 March 2009

Contents page preliminary sketch

this is the sketch for Granites contents page, it is not final and will most probably change in someway.

The first magazine work

This is all the work that was done before christmas which includes all the preperation, sketches and final pieces for the contents page and front cover.

Thursday 5 March 2009

Preliminary magazine work Evaluation

These following posts are the pieces of work from my original magazine. I will upload all the pieces that i created.

Magazine evaluation

Our task was to create a front cover and a contents page for a school magazine, my initial idea was to have the front cover full of information and colour to make it stand out and to have a teacher holding a certificate of some sorts to show a certain achievement that the school has achieved and the contents page to be along the lines of a leading magazine style like NME or Heat to give it an authentic look.
My front cover shows a student holding something that was created on Photoshop in a frame to exaggerate the main story of how to use Photoshop. It’s got a neutral colour scheme of a white background and a darker gradient towards the lower half, the title is bold and underlines with a smooth text style and has a list of what is inside the magazine on the sides. My sketches were quite useful to give me ideas but ultimately I changed them to a more modern and subtle look, I altered the theme of a teacher and a certificate to a student because I wanted something the audience could relate to as it is a student magazine.

To get the photo I shot it on a white background right next to a light source to give it a strong brightness but this took a while to get the mid close-up shot and also all the perfect angles, I tried to change how big the props were and how close I was to the student holding the props but this didn’t really change the outcome of the photo. To change the photo in the frame to something relatable to the magazine I had to use Photoshop and because I had used it before I found it to be quite easy Eventhough I did get a bit impatient with the magnetic lasso and the brightness tool but I managed to resize it to A4 and also got the wanted photo into the frame quite realistically.

The contents page was very similar but I kept to the main idea that was in the sketch, the editor’s letter I kept relatively the same aswell as where the photographs are placed. I used word to produce the contents page because it is mostly textual based with a few photos.
The contents page is also in the style of NME with a border around with an editorial letter column on the right hand side of the page and a contents to the left, there’s also a banner containing any other important information.

Final Front Cover font

This will be the main font for all the title's in my magazine. The connotations of this font look as if its been chipped out roughly and also looks very bold and quirky. I chose this for my final font because it fitted the genres of classic and new rock and roll because it mixes the new style with the old.
The smaller titles will be in this font but just smaller to keep the trend of themagazine going.

Thursday 26 February 2009

Questionnaire results

Questionnaire results example:

Age: 17
Gender: male

What is your favourite magazine at the moment if any?

FHM, NME etc

What is your favourite band at the moment?

Bloc party………………………………………………………………………………………………….

What genre of music magazine do you prefer?

hip hop, indie

How often do you read music magazines?


What would you like to see more of in music magazines?

interviews, pictures, information on tours

What do you buy music magazines for?

reading, information

What do you think of the name ‘Granite’ for a music magazines name?

Better than others

Thanks for your time.

My questionnaire helped me to find out about what to include in my magazine and how to go about it. I learned that people generally liked the name 'Granite' and they mostly read music magazine's along with some others. They didn't really read music magazines as much because they didn't include what they wanted e.g. interviews, festival information e.t.c:

I will add all i learnt to the magazine to make it as good as it can be.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Preliminary photos

These are the preliminary photos i took of my father last week. One of these will be the photo of my main magazine cover but i will edit them using Photoshop to maybe cut out the background and just leave the main person and the sofa. I will decide which one with the help of my family and friends to see which they prefer out of the possible 7.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Revolver front cover magazine analysis

The metal magazine 'Revolver' has the same layout as Mojo but obviously with different style font and size and also it is alot darker than the other. This is probably because of the audience its aiming at but also it gives alot of focus on the colourful photo and the yellow highlighted main story which is also the magazines main selling point, the big band.
The title also shows less colour with its grey style and bold lettering.

I feel This magazine also has a very good balance of colours, photos and style which all dont take away from the individual look of the magazine but add to it, the information is clear and very stylish, the colour scheme is dark but suits the music and magazine and finally the way the photo is covered but also shows over some of the things on the magazine makes it look like its leaping out of the page.

In conclusion doing this analysis has given me a good idea how to balance the metal and rock music magazines styles together without looking jumbled and confusing. I am going to test out different styles for my final magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

These pictures are two parts of the same mock-up which is on A3 paper. It will feature a large centered photo of a band playing on or off stage will smaller pictures around the main article, it will have all the usual tag lines and such.
This is the second of three mock-ups which i will do in preparation for my magazine and next up will be my contents page.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

MOJO music magazine front cover analysis

MOJO Music magazine analysis of the front cover

The front cover for ‘MOJO’ music magazine is centred on one large photo which is usually the main story in the magazine. The title ‘MOJO’ is in the background behind the photo to give the photo more emphasis than the rest of the magazine, this is because of the fact that the main story photo needs to have the spotlight of the magazine to draw in readers and also to make the magazine look more appealing to any passers-by.
The ‘MOJO’ uses the large white lettering to make the magazine stand out more for its main headlines to draw more attention to them and make them leap out the page but the use of the smaller pictures are also carefully placed to again give more emphasis on the main story and picture.

The layout of the magazine is quite linear in comparison to others but it doesn’t crowd the magazine with too much information and gives it a good balance. The use of free additions on the magazine will also draw in more buyers.

Thursday 29 January 2009

Media studies music magazine essay how music magazines use front covers and contents pages to attract readers

The magazine I will be analysing is the popular music magazine NME and will be researching how it uses its front cover for a bold effect and how its contents page gives information to the reader about inside articles.

Firstly the front cover of the magazine usually uses its most interesting and surprising story for its main cover to draw a wide range of audience in by using composition of a photo of the band or celebrity and by making the front as bright and attractive as possible without making it too vivid to put the buyers off, on the cover I was analysing there was a split picture of the lead singer of the killers showing three emotions on a white background whilst the title is in front of a black background making the title stand out and giving the magazine an overall non-overwhelming but effective contrast, this could also connote excitement and enthusiasm to the magazine with the red added to show their passion for the music industry .The contents page pictures are added to make the page look less heavy (because otherwise it’ll be nearly all writing) and hold in the magazines signature composition, this can be said for the overall layout aswell from the fonts used to the same colour background as the NME title itself. The framing of the pictures on the front is very important to give the cover the best effect it can give and giving it purpose this could range from not too big to not too colourful, the magazine producers would be careful to not just dump any picture of a band onto the front because the picture could have nothing to do with the articles inside the magazine and could give false information to the audience.
The national institution for this product would want to make it as appealing to as many audiences by including a range of music genres and types of news and NME magazine does this by including music from pop to light rock and even punk and news about festivals such as Glastonbury, this wide range of varying genres and information makes the magazine appeal to lots of people. My guess would be that the average NME reader would be from the age of 14-25 because of its use of newer music that would be in different genres and usually sound different from its competitors and this could put off the older generations but because of this the magazine tries to make up for it by including new music from all ranges of genres to counterbalance the effects of the way new music is recorded.

The magazines representation ranges from the artists to the audience, age to class and stereotypes to ideology, these help the magazine stand out and be its own aswell as its target audience because these give the magazine its own personality which some people can relate to and helps people relate it back to the magazine. Mostly in NME the messages put across are those trying to direct you to a certain thing like listening to a new band or going to the biggest upcoming festival, this can make it feel as if it’s saying you need to have the same taste in music as everyone else which is a bad thing as its ruling out individuality. But not all messages are bad, for example it could be praising you for your loyalty to the magazine by giving you free gifts if you’ve decided to subscribe to the magazine or by saying that your taste in music is excellent.

The layout of the text and pictures are quite neat and tidy but modern at the same time, the text isn’t fitted into a set box its more freely put onto were it looks the best the taglines for example are dotted around the front and contents page to make it stand out more aswell as special stamps which highlight a festival or a headline. The parts like the barcode and price however are placed to the side to not distract readers. In the contents it is more of a calming easy paced page without the shocking messages but with well thought and placed information to give the reader an ease whilst reading this can be said for the rest of the magazine aswell.

In conclusion NME is a very good all round developed magazine which is very popular and in demand, it has very well thought layouts of all magazines and good contents page and a look which people will recognise, it has a target audience which it strives to meet the demands of and it has a good overall feel of variety and all for an affordable price. All these factors makes NME one of the best selling music magazines of the time.

The first front page mock-up

This is my first try on making my front cover for Granite or even designing itm it features all the basic features you would find on any magazine in the market. This is most likely going to change as i think of different ideas and styles that the magazine will include and will no doubt develop over time.

Granite's magazine title font styles testing

These following fonts are some possibilities for my music magazine's title 'Granite'. I thought these suited the magazine the most and thought would look good on the front cover.

Magazine cover analysis

Monday 26 January 2009

Music questionnaire

Media questionnaire:

This questionnaire is for information only about what you as a consumer would like to see inside a modern music magazine that includes metal, dance, rock and roll and finally indie. Please fill in this questionnaire fully thank you.




What is your favourite magazine at the moment if any?

What is your favourite band at the moment?


What genre of music magazine do you prefer?

How often do you read music magazines?

What would you like to see more of in music magazines?

What do you buy music magazines for?

I made this questionnaire to hand out to people at home and in my class to give me some ideas on how to structure my magazine and what to include more of and less of. i am going to take these results and actually use them in my final piece.

Thursday 22 January 2009

Upcoming Magazine analysis:

Im going to analyse 2 different magazines to try and get a good balance of the two music types in my own magazine called 'Granite'. The types are rock and roll and metal . The magazines i will be looking at are the MOJO (rock and roll) and revolver (metal).

I will firstly be analysing the MOJO magazine and i will analyse how the front cover is used to the best effect aswell as the contents page. I will also look at how the articles are put together for my upcoming double page spread.

(this is just a sample photo it may not be the issue i use)

Monday 19 January 2009

Welcome to my blog

I completed this essay on the radio times visiting the dragons den, i paid particular attention to all the different forms and conventions. i will add the whole essay shortly.