Thursday 26 March 2009

Final front cover, Contents page and Article

The Article page:

The Contents page:

The Front Cover:
These are the final products of all the pieces. I feel i have done well on each and i am proud of all my media work so far.

Monday 23 March 2009

Front cover and article page of music magazine

These are my two things so far, will most likely change in future.

Friday 6 March 2009

Contents page preliminary sketch

this is the sketch for Granites contents page, it is not final and will most probably change in someway.

The first magazine work

This is all the work that was done before christmas which includes all the preperation, sketches and final pieces for the contents page and front cover.

Thursday 5 March 2009

Preliminary magazine work Evaluation

These following posts are the pieces of work from my original magazine. I will upload all the pieces that i created.

Magazine evaluation

Our task was to create a front cover and a contents page for a school magazine, my initial idea was to have the front cover full of information and colour to make it stand out and to have a teacher holding a certificate of some sorts to show a certain achievement that the school has achieved and the contents page to be along the lines of a leading magazine style like NME or Heat to give it an authentic look.
My front cover shows a student holding something that was created on Photoshop in a frame to exaggerate the main story of how to use Photoshop. It’s got a neutral colour scheme of a white background and a darker gradient towards the lower half, the title is bold and underlines with a smooth text style and has a list of what is inside the magazine on the sides. My sketches were quite useful to give me ideas but ultimately I changed them to a more modern and subtle look, I altered the theme of a teacher and a certificate to a student because I wanted something the audience could relate to as it is a student magazine.

To get the photo I shot it on a white background right next to a light source to give it a strong brightness but this took a while to get the mid close-up shot and also all the perfect angles, I tried to change how big the props were and how close I was to the student holding the props but this didn’t really change the outcome of the photo. To change the photo in the frame to something relatable to the magazine I had to use Photoshop and because I had used it before I found it to be quite easy Eventhough I did get a bit impatient with the magnetic lasso and the brightness tool but I managed to resize it to A4 and also got the wanted photo into the frame quite realistically.

The contents page was very similar but I kept to the main idea that was in the sketch, the editor’s letter I kept relatively the same aswell as where the photographs are placed. I used word to produce the contents page because it is mostly textual based with a few photos.
The contents page is also in the style of NME with a border around with an editorial letter column on the right hand side of the page and a contents to the left, there’s also a banner containing any other important information.

Final Front Cover font

This will be the main font for all the title's in my magazine. The connotations of this font look as if its been chipped out roughly and also looks very bold and quirky. I chose this for my final font because it fitted the genres of classic and new rock and roll because it mixes the new style with the old.
The smaller titles will be in this font but just smaller to keep the trend of themagazine going.